Monday, March 23, 2009

Needs a TA meeting... Twitters Anonymous

Someone needs to take this CPU away from me. I have already wasted 2 hours this morning searching for women bloggers on Twitter. Like I need to follow more people? Like I need more blogs to keep up with? This is bordering on addiction. I do follow a couple of celebs, but mostly to see what they have to say about the world. What I really love about Twitter is knowing the minute someone posts about a new blog. MUST READ BLOGS. This is a problem.

I am supposed to be making new curtains for my oldest daughter today. She wants her curtains to match her horse quilt. OK. I also need to be working on my business website. I still have product to add, and code to mutilate. Oh and I needed to write a blog post... Well that's one thing I can check off my list now.

We had a nearly crappy weekend here. The weather was perfect. The kids were pretty good. I finished the throw quilt for my family room. Tori had a friend spend the night. So why was it nearly crappy. Well because I didn't see my husband much.

He doesn't work weekend right now, so we should have lots of time then. But Friday night he didn't come home from work, he went to a friends to have a beer, missed dinner. Sat. afternoon, he went back to the friends house to "help" him, I didn't even bother to cook. Gave the kids pick-n-plates instead. Sunday morning, I was feeling so abandoned that I had to jump on him to get his attention. He really likes when I, um, lets say, initiate. Then after lunch he went back to his friends house to, I don't know, hang out some more. He did manage to join us for dinner, but only because I cooked very late. Did I mention that he sees this friend everyday as they work together? What the hell? This is how lonely wives minds start to wander in strange directions, such as cheating husbands.

OK, that's enough bitchin' for today. Catch up with you bloggies later, I got shit to do.


  1. Not into twitter yet. I'm afraid that if I start twitter I'll never leave my computer.

    Sounds like your disappearing husband needs a project at your house. Isn't there something that needs fixing?

  2. Let me know when that TA meeting is!! I'll come as soon as I get off Twitter!! LOL

  3. Hi my name is Nanci and I am a twitter addict--can we hold our meetings on twitter? I know exactly how you feel, but I can't seem to quit but they say the first step is acknowledging you have a problem. I think one step is all we really need, don't you?


Thanks for taking the time to leave your comment here. I feel loved and adored. Sorry about the extra security, but I'm tired of getting emails from Anonymous users posting junk in my comments.